Our goal is for all of the food we grow to be eaten and for our customers to enjoy every bite! A CSA program might not be the right fit for every type of eater. Here's a few things to consider before signing up:
Are you open to trying new things?
One of the best parts about our CSA is the variety of produce! We grow over 60 different varieties of vegetables​. Many of our customers found a new favorite vegetable they'd never tried from joining our CSA. We include lots of information about all of the less common varieties we grow in our weekly CSA email including recipe tips and preparation methods. If you have dietary restrictions that don't allow you to eat major CSA crops like onions or tomatoes, it might be better to pursue a Farm Store Membership.
Do you have a lot of weekend travel plans throughout the summer?
Being a CSA member requires a commitment to pick up your share every week. If you have a lot of travel plans- it's important to let us know which weeks you won't pick up so we can donate your share. Many of our members send a friend or neighbor to grab their CSA in their absence. If that doesn't seem feasible for your schedule, perhaps consider a
Are you hoping for large amounts of produce at discounted prices?
We might not be a great fit! Over the past several years, we've carefully adjusted the amount of produce our members get each week to be just enough, without being too much so as to go to waste. We offer a wide variety of additional produce for sale in our farm stand and offer bulk deals during peak season for preserving or cooking projects. The real truth behind "cheap" food is exploitation, whether through unfair labor practices or irreversible environmental damage. The price we've chosen for our produce directly reflects the costs it takes to grow the quality of produce and service that we offer.
Is it in my budget to pay up front for a CSA?
Our CSA program depends on the majority of our members paying their balance by the June deadline. We also want our customers to eat as much fresh local food as possible for as many weeks as possible! We offer a few payment plan options for members that need to spread out their balance in order to join the Spring and Fall seasons.
Do you like to cook (+ have the time)?
Getting the most from your CSA share ultimately means to eat and enjoy it all and waste none. While that's a great goal to have, don't let it scare you if you're new to cooking or trying to add more vegetables to your diet. Bringing home fresh farm produce may take a little extra effort to store and use effectively, but once you establish a system, you’ll discover it stays fresh for weeks longer than store-bought produce. Being flexible and adaptable are two important skills cooking with a CSA- we can find a way to add produce to nearly every recipe!